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Green Belt

Council Local Plan Rejected By Councillors, More Green Belt At Risk ?

    South Tyneside Council met on Thursday 5 September and councillors voted 26 to 23 with one abstention to reject the latest version of their Local plan. This means that it will not proceed to the Secretary of State for examination and adoption.
    With the proposed changes to the National Planning Policy Framework is this Good news or BAD ??

    St George's Chruch, East Boldon

    Improvements to the area in front of St Georges Church

      An application has been lodged with South Tyneside Council for improvement work to the overgrown area in front of St George’s church.
      The application is about opening up the area to make it more visually attractive and addresses one of the items which was frequently raised during consultations on the development of the neighbourhood plan. The application DOES NOT require the removal of any trees from the site.

      SAFC Solar Farm

        SAFC has lodged an application with South Tyneside Council for the installation of a renewable energy generating solar farm comprising photovoltaic array with substation, transformer stations, switchrooms, site accesses, internal access, security fencing, access gates, ancillary infrastructure and biodiversity enhancements on land to the East and West of the Academy of Light, Cleadon, Sunderland.

        40 mph sign

        Council Consultation – Speed Limit Reduction on A184

          South Tyneside Council are currently running a consultation which if implemented would reduce the existing 50mph speed limit on the A184 between the cricket club and the borough boundary to 40mph in both directions.