The Council’s public consultation on their latest Local Plan closed on 3 March 2024. Their January 2024 Cabinet report provided the following information about what happens after the consultation period:
8.2 Following the close of the consultation period, all responses will be analysed, and a summary of the main issues raised will be prepared, together with and a Council response to those issues. Depending on responses received, this may necessitate small changes to policy wording or other minor changes to the Local Plan, prior to its submission for examination. Any changes would not be incorporated into the Regulation 19 draft of the Local Plan (as it is the submission draft) but would instead be included as an addendum which is separately published for consultation and submitted alongside the Regulation 19 Plan. In due course, a further report will be brought to Cabinet, setting out the responses received to the Regulation 19 consultation, and (as required) seeking Cabinet’s approval to publish for consultation an addendum of minor changes to the Regulation 19 draft. Cabinet will also be asked at that time to recommend to full Council that the Regulation 19 Local Plan, including any addendum, be then submitted for independent examination.
8.3The Local Development Scheme sets out the timescales for progressing the Local Plan beyond Regulation 19, and it can be viewed at: https://southtyneside.gov.uk/article/13049/Local-Development-Scheme Financial and Resources
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