On Monday, 13 February 2023 South Tyneside Council planning committee approved the Avant Homes planning application to build 202 new homes on Cleadon Lane by a majority of 6 votes to 3.
This was despite a number of objections presented to the committee, including those submitted by the Forum. Given the pressure on the Council to deliver on the government’s housing targets, this wasn’t a surprise, but it’s disappointing that many of the concerns voiced about the impact of the development in terms of sewage, ground contamination, traffic congestion, car parking, pollution, schools, design and layout etc were overlooked.
There were some positives to take from the meeting however. The planning officer and the developer’s representative acknowledged that many of the Forum’s suggestions had been incorporated into the final scheme design. At least one Councillor complimented the Forum on the work it was doing on behalf of East Boldon. Many of our criticisms of the scheme were also voiced by Councillors and other objectors.
Here is the link to the committee report dealing with the application, it includes a list of the conditions the Council is applying to the development, starting on page 115.
The minutes from the meeting will be linked as soon as the Council makes them available.
The Forum were represented at and were allowed 5 minutes to speak, making the points in this document.
Local press have picked up the story https://www.sunderlandecho.com/news/politics/council/cleadon-lane-housing-development-controversial-proposal-for-industrial-estate-approved-4025774 (opens in a new tab)
Full details of the latest version of the application are available by searching for ST/1109/21/FUL on the Council’s website at http://planning.southtyneside.info/Northgate/PlanningExplorer/ApplicationSearch.aspx
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