Development of the draft neighbourhood plan has been a time consuming task which started back in 2016!. The graphic below shows key elements of our story so far – and we’re not finished yet! Please click on a header or photo for more information on a particular item.
Our Story

245 Houses – Cleadon Lane Industrial Estate
In the first test of our plan, Lichfields, acting on behalf of Avant Homes, have submitted a planning application to build 245 houses on Cleadon Lane Industrial Estate. Full details of the application are available by searching for ST/1109/21/FUL on the Council’s website at Forum members have provided a detailed response to the proposal… Read More »245 Houses – Cleadon Lane Industrial Estate
Referendum Result – 95% in favour of the plan
The result of the referendum was released around 11pm on 28 October 2021. 1432 votes were cast with 1,362 (95%) in favour of the Plan and only 70 against. The turnout was 42% which was better than the turnout in recent local elections. Our Chair, Kirstin Richardson made the following statement on the announcement of… Read More »Referendum Result – 95% in favour of the plan
Council approve referendum
At their meeting on 8 September 2021 the Council’s Cabinet agreed that our Neighbourhood Plan meets the various legal requirements and that it should proceed to referendum. Click to read the Decision Statement. The referendum is scheduled to take place on 28 October 2021. The final version of the plan will be available on this… Read More »Council approve referendum
Cleadon Lane Industrial Estate – Forum’s Response to Public Consultation by Lichfields on Behalf of Avant Homes
Following members’ concerns over the recent proposal by Lichfields on behalf of Avant Homes to build 230 houses on land currently part of Cleadon Lane Industrial site, the Forum’s Secretary has written to the developer to raise a number of important issues. He has also asked for a face to face meeting with to seek… Read More »Cleadon Lane Industrial Estate – Forum’s Response to Public Consultation by Lichfields on Behalf of Avant Homes
Examiner’s Response to Forum’s Plan
The Examiner’s response to the Forum’s draft plan was released on 21 July 2021 and can be found here or on the Council’s website. This is great news for the members as it means that, subject to some amendments, the vast majority of the policies in the plan have been accepted by the Examiner. This… Read More »Examiner’s Response to Forum’s Plan
Examiner Considers Forum’s Plan
In accordance with the relevant legislation, South Tyneside Council has appointed an examiner to review the neighbourhood plan. The examiner is expected to question aspects of the plan and may ask for changes to be made before it goes to referendum. Keep up to date with developments, documents are shared via the council website. The… Read More »Examiner Considers Forum’s Plan
Response to “Submission Draft Plan” Consultation
In accordance with the relevant legislation, South Tyneside Council consulted on what is called the “Submission Draft Plan” between 15 March 2021 and 23 April 2021, details are available on the Council’s website. There were 152 responses to the consultation: 78% gave full support 8% gave support with detailed comments 12% made objections Many thanks… Read More »Response to “Submission Draft Plan” Consultation
South Tyneside Council Cancel Draft Local Plan
Although not a Forum activity this is immensely important news for two reasons. It means that our draft neighbourhood plan cannot be in conflict with a Local Plan if one doesn’t exist. However, and more importantly, it means that the council will start work on a new Local Plan which is not expected to be… Read More »South Tyneside Council Cancel Draft Local Plan
South Tyneside Council run “Submission Draft Plan” Consultation
In accordance with the relevant legislation the next stage of the process requires South Tyneside Council to consult on what is called the Submission Draft Plan. The consultation runs from 15 March 2021 to 23 April 2021, details are available on the Council’s website. The Submission Draft Plan is based on the Draft Plan which… Read More »South Tyneside Council run “Submission Draft Plan” Consultation
Consultant Appointed
Jo-Anne Garrick (Chartered Town Planner) engaged as consultant to support the completion of East Boldon Neighbourhood Plan.
For more details on our story please see this page.
Contact details

Keep up to date through the East Boldon Forum Facebook page and website.
Our regular monthly meetings are currently suspended, details of the next meeting will be published on the home page once restrictions are lifted.
Contact us by email: by phone or text on 07726 106773