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May / June 2021 Newsletter

    Thank you to everyone who supported the Council’s consultation on the “Submission Draft” of our plan. More details are available here but that’s not all that’s been happening!

    Outcome of Consultation on the Submission Draft Plan

      Results from the consultation on the Submission Draft Plan are in! Many thanks to those who took the time to comment on the plan, particularly those who gave 100% support. However, there were some objections to the plan, particularly from developers and land owners who have their own ideas. The Independent Examiner, Rosemary Kidd, will ask for clarifications for any responses and objections, as necessary.

      Submission Draft Plan – Council Consultation

        Submission Draft consultation underway! You should have received the “Have Your Say” leaflet which the council produced, our own leaflet will be delivered to all properties within the forum boundary during April 2021.
        In accordance with the relevant legislation the next stage of the process to deliver a Neighbourhood Plan requires South Tyneside Council to consult on what is called the Submission Draft Plan. The consultation runs from 15 March 2021 to 23 April 2021, details are available on the Council’s website.

        Draft Plan Now Published

          After a lot of effort by a lot of people, including those who have attended previous consultation events the draft of the Neighbourhood Plan has now been produced and we need your views!

          Please take the time to read the full draft plan which is available by following this link and leave your comments using this short survey. Your comments are very important as this is a community driven plan which needs to be supported by those who live and work in the forum area.

          July 2020 e-Newsletter

            Although we have not been able to meet face to face, officers of the Forum have been beavering away on the Neighbourhood Plan (NP). We are at a crucial stage in the NP process. We wanted to let you know where we are up to and what we have done. The Forum continues to make formal responses, on behalf of members, about key issues that impact on village life, some of which are listed below.

            Working with staff and children at East Boldon Junior School

              To make young members of the East Boldon Neighbourhood Forum area aware of the work of the Forum, a project was planned and completed between December 2018 and March 2019. The aim of the project was to engage pupils at East Boldon Junior School in the consultation process, covering aspects of village life and seeking opinions of young members of the community through a programme of interactive workshops.

              February 2020 Newsletter

                Our February 2020 Newsletter will be delivered to all properties within and adjoining the Forum boundary. Please encourage neighbours who may not have access to the internet to take a look at the leaflet.

                September 2019 Response to Draft Local Plan

                  South Tyneside Council released the latest draft of their Local Plan in July 2019 and on behalf of all members the Forum Executive produced a number of documents in response.