Come along to the Junior School between 10am and 1pm, this is your chance to have a say about:
- The Local Economy
- Wellbeing
- Transport Links
- Flooding
- The Design Of Any New Development.
The Council’s final Strategic Land Review highlighted that the Junior School site could be considered for housing. Come and tell us what you think of this.
At our last drop in event on 16 March 2019, you told us that you would prefer any new housing to be built on brownfield sites within the village. Cleadon Lane Industrial Estate is the main area of brownfield land in East Boldon – should it continue to be used for industrial purposes, or, should sites become vacant, would you prefer it to be reserved for a mix of uses, including new housing development and Metro parking?
At our last consultation event you gave us your views on the following areas:
Overall vision: 87% supported our draft vision
Natural Environment:
- 97% wanted to protect the Greenbelt
- 97% wanted green corridors within new development
- 95% wanted us to designate green spaces in the Forum area
Car Parking:
- 74% wanted us to develop parking standards for East Boldon
- 93% favoured brownfield sites for new housing
- 92% felt the type of new housing should be determined by the needs of residents
We now need your views on the following policy areas:
- Local Economy
- Built & Historic Environment
- Transport & Movement
- Community Wellbeing
- Flooding & Drainage
When we have your views in all of these areas, we will use them as evidence in support of policies that will make up the Neighbourhood Plan for East Boldon. Once adopted, South Tyneside Council is obliged to take this into account.