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Improvements to the area in front of St Georges Church

    St George's Chruch, East Boldon

    An application has been lodged with South Tyneside Council for improvement work to the overgrown area in front of St George’s church.

    The Forum Executive support this application as it was one of the items which was frequently raised during consultations on the development on the neighbourhood plan. The application is about opening up the area to make it more visually attractive. The application does not require the removal of any trees from the site and a professional ecological survey conducted by EcoServ Ltd. raised no concerns about the scheme.

    It may surprise some residents to know that the land is owned by the council and not the church.

    The site was included as a Local Green Space in the Neighbourhood Plan (policy EB16) and improvements to it were part of Community Action 2 – Enhancing the village environment. The Neighbourhood Plan was supported by 95% of voters at referendum.

    This scheme is designed to improve the setting of a Local Listed Building (St George’s Church) at the core of the East Boldon Conservation Area. The area in front of the church is dark, overgrown and a site for unwanted and antisocial activity. East Boldon residents and congregants of the church have complained about the gloomy, neglected area in front of the church for many years. There have been numerous attempts to improve the area, including gardening working parties.  This hard work has made little difference in the long term; the area has been fenced off for many years and has not been actively managed.

    The East Boldon Conservation Area is included on the English Heritage at Risk Register (2019). The Forum engages in joint working with the Council to address concerns raised by English Heritage.

    Full details of the application can be found on the Council’s website searching for ST/0875/23/FUL where you can register support or provide comments on the application. The deadline for comments is 31 July 2024.

    If you prefer to write to the Council, the address is:  Planning Application ST/0875/23/FUL, South Tyneside Council, Town Hall and Civic Offices, Westoe Road, South Shields NE33 2RL

    If you would like to share your views with the Forum please contact us using the link below or send an email to

    If you live or work in the East Boldon Forum area then you are welcome to join the Forum. Please get in touch with us.

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