SAFC has lodged an application with South Tyneside Council for the installation of a renewable energy generating solar farm comprising photovoltaic array with substation, transformer stations, switchrooms, site accesses, internal access, security fencing, access gates, ancillary infrastructure and biodiversity enhancements on land to the East and West of the Academy of Light, Cleadon, Sunderland.
While not within the Forum area, the western site is close to Boldon Flats and could have a significant effect on the migrant birds which nest on the Flats. The field has been partially flooded for a number of months and has recently had avocets breeding on it.
The Forum is consulting with members to seek views about how to respond to this application. It is likely that a consultation meeting for members will be held in the coming weeks.
Full details of the application can be found on the Council’s website searching for ST/0357/24/FUL. The club also have a non technical summary available on their website.
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