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Referendum Information

    Please take a dew minutes to view some video information about the Neighbourhood Plan and forthcoming referendum.

    Examiner’s Response to Our Plan

      The Examiner has completed her analysis of our plan, please read her comments. We are broadly happy with the outcome, the Examiner has upheld the proposed Settlement Boundary but has unfortunately removed two of our proposed policies.

      May / June 2021 Newsletter

        Thank you to everyone who supported the Council’s consultation on the “Submission Draft” of our plan. More details are available here but that’s not all that’s been happening!

        Outcome of Consultation on the Submission Draft Plan

          Results from the consultation on the Submission Draft Plan are in! Many thanks to those who took the time to comment on the plan, particularly those who gave 100% support. However, there were some objections to the plan, particularly from developers and land owners who have their own ideas. The Independent Examiner, Rosemary Kidd, will ask for clarifications for any responses and objections, as necessary.

          Community Actions

            Development of the draft neighbourhood plan has been a time consuming task which started back in 2018. The graphic below shows key elements of our story so far – and we’re not finished yet!

            Submission Draft Plan – Council Consultation

              Submission Draft consultation underway! You should have received the “Have Your Say” leaflet which the council produced, our own leaflet will be delivered to all properties within the forum boundary during April 2021.
              In accordance with the relevant legislation the next stage of the process to deliver a Neighbourhood Plan requires South Tyneside Council to consult on what is called the Submission Draft Plan. The consultation runs from 15 March 2021 to 23 April 2021, details are available on the Council’s website.

              Draft Plan Now Published

                After a lot of effort by a lot of people, including those who have attended previous consultation events the draft of the Neighbourhood Plan has now been produced and we need your views!

                Please take the time to read the full draft plan which is available by following this link and leave your comments using this short survey. Your comments are very important as this is a community driven plan which needs to be supported by those who live and work in the forum area.