Results from the consultation on the Submission Draft Plan are in! Many thanks to those who took the time to comment on the plan, particularly those who gave 100% support. However, there were some objections to the plan, particularly from developers and land owners who have their own ideas. The Independent Examiner, Rosemary Kidd, will ask for clarifications for any responses and objections, as necessary.
There were 152 responses to the consultation, this may not seem many but it was more than we expected.
Overall the majority of responses supported the plan although there were a number of objections.
Objections were limited in number and some showed a misunderstanding of the draft plan and where responsibility lies for some policies e.g., the Moor Lane scheme, which was conceived by the Council and which is not part of the draft plan. There was also criticism of the Forum boundary, but this had been widely consulted upon and agreed by the Council before the formal recognition of the Forum in January 2018. An important point was made regarding the inclusion of Boldon Flats in the Forum area. During early consultations about the area, some interest in the development of a Cleadon Neighbourhood Forum had been expressed. After a year of discussions, this formation did not materialise so Boldon Flats, as a vitally important wildlife site, was included in East Boldon Forum area, with the proviso that, should Cleadon form their own forum, the boundary could be revisited.
Responses from the statutory consultees were largely supportive and encouraging.
Land Owners & Housing Developers making representation for housing developments
Lichfields – for Buckley Burnett Ltd on land at
Hylton Lane
Pegasus Group – for Bellway Homes on land at
North Farm
Lichfields – for their clients at
Cleadon Lane Industrial Estate
Barton Wilmore – for Church Commissioners at
North Farm (western field)
Additional responses were received from landowners and housing developers making representation for housing development in the Forum area, all of which are also available to view on the Council website link above.
The Forum has been offered the opportunity to meet with representatives of Lichfields regarding the Cleadon Lane site and will be pleased to take them up on the offer to discuss relevant development proposals.
Objections were also received from Barton Willmore (acting for the Church Commissioners) who have proposed the development of sites to the southeast of the village. Two of these were not included in the Council’s Draft Local Plan (now abandoned) of July 2019. The map shows the extent of the proposed development i.e., 215 additional houses. The site is within the green belt and outside the settlement boundary.
As the Council’s new Local Plan will be prepared for completion in 2023, this site and any others not included in the draft plan of 2019 may be assessed again and proposed for development.
If you live or work in the East Boldon Forum area then you are welcome to join the Forum. Please get in touch with us.
If you wish to contact us for any reason please leave your details on the Contact Us page.