Thank you to everyone who supported the Council’s consultation on the “Submission Draft” of our plan. More details are available here but that’s not all that’s been happening!
In accordance with the relevant legislation the next stage of the process to deliver a Neighbourhood Plan, South Tyneside Council has appointed Rosemary Kidd as the Independent Examiner. The Examiner will review the plan to ensure that it meets various technical standards. She’s expected to ask detailed questions on the plan and can also ask for changes to be made to the plan. The Forum Executive team will provide whatever is asked of them during the examination.
The outcome of the consultation on the Submission Draft Plan was discussed at the open Forum Zoom meeting held on 17 May 2021.
As expected the consultation elicited responses from a number builders / land owners or their agents. In particular, it highlighted that Barton Wilmore (acting for the Church Commissioners) has prepared a scheme for the development of land at the rear of Hunter Close / Ferndale Grove / Ferndale Lane (essentially Low House Farm and the field between the existing village boundary and the ex MOD site). Their proposal identifies the potential for 215 homes to be built on the site.
Remember that this site was excluded from development in the Council’s 2019 Draft Local Plan and that their plan has now been withdrawn so ALL AVAILABLE SITES (including Brownfield) are back under consideration for development. A new Local Plan is not expected to be available until 2023.
If it remains unaltered by the Examiner, and is supported in the referendum that will follow, the Neighbourhood Plan proposes that this land is retained as green belt as it will fall outside the suggested Settlement Boundary. There is overwhelming support for the retention of our green belt, as proposed by the Neighbourhood Plan and we hope that the plan is endorsed by a massive turnout of voters who share this view when eventually the referendum is held.
Northumbrian Water are to undertake repairs to the collapsed and corroded sewer on the flats. Their team is expected to be on site from 24 May.
Work will include the rebuilding of the outer and inner brickwork and replacement of the manhole cover.
Network Rail Works
Information sign now in place.
Local wildlife officer made a site visit.
Planning department asked to clarify whether all the works, including the impacts of the access, compound and storage area are included within the
permitted development rights held by Network Rail.
Land can recover well from temporary works.
Network Rail have created separate mounds of subsoil and topsoil to be relaid once they have completed
Tilesheds Bridleway
Damaged fencing at the entrance has been reported and replaced by the council to discourage the use of motorbikes on the bridleway.
Thanks to all those who have given their time to improve the village by helping with litter picking. More information on Community Actions
Moor Lane One Way System
• South Tyneside Council has requested responses to an informal consultation on its proposed permanent scheme for a shared use lane on Moor Lane.
• Plans and details of the scheme can be viewed on the Council’s website.
• The Forum encourages members to let the council know you views.
• The consultation closes on 7 June 2021.
If you live or work in the East Boldon Forum area then you are welcome to join the Forum. Please get in touch with us.
If you wish to contact us for any reason please leave your details on the Contact Us page.