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Parking at No 4

EB22: Non-residential parking standards

    Non-residential traffic generating development should provide an adequate amount of off-street parking for staff and visitors to ensure that there are no adverse impacts on the highway network and amenity of the area in accordance with the Council’s Parking Standards.  When determining the level of off-street parking required, the following should be considered:
    a. Projected staff numbers and the operating hours of the business;
    b. Projected visitor numbers and the likely duration of the visit; and
    c. The accessibility of the development by modes other than private car.

    Read More »EB22: Non-residential parking standards

    EB18: Sustainable transport and new development

      Development will be supported where it maximises the use of sustainable modes of transport, in particular applicants must demonstrate, where appropriate and relevant to the development, how the proposal has been designed and located to:

      a. Reflect the needs of: pedestrians; cyclists; public transport; commercial and service vehicles; and private cars;
      b. Create places and streets that are user friendly and safe for cyclists and pedestrians, reflecting the requirements of the East Boldon Design Code;
      c. Support sustainable transport choices such as, incorporating or creating new pedestrian and cycle routes or improvements to existing routes to serve the development that integrate into wider networks and provide safe and effective routes to services and facilities, including East Boldon Metro Station;
      d. Ensure existing or new public transport services can accommodate development proposals, and where necessary, new accessible public transport routes and/or improvements to the existing services and facilities can be  secured;
      e. Ensure that the cumulative impact on traffic flows on the highway network will not be severe or that appropriate mitigation measures can be secured and are undertaken; and
      f. Incorporate an appropriate level of parking in accordance with the parking standards set out in policies EB20, EB21 and EB22.

      To achieve modal shift, major developments will be expected to provide travel plans and the application should be supported by a transport statement or transport assessment. The development should promote sustainable travel behaviour and demonstrate how it will link and support the widening of travel choices.

      Read More »EB18: Sustainable transport and new development

      EB19: Metro parking

        The development of additional car parking for users of the metro will be supported where it would not have significant adverse effects on the environment, residential amenity or highway safety.

        Key considerations will be the ability of the new parking proposal to:
        a. alleviate the significant negative impact of existing metro parking on the area and local communities; and
        b. deliver the level of parking required to meet both current and forecast demand from users of East Boldon metro station

        Development proposals for the creation of improved cycle parking provision at East Boldon Metro Station will be supported.

        Read More »EB19: Metro parking

        Cycle Racks, station shops

        EB20: Cycle storage and parking

          Development proposals creating additional residential units should demonstrate how secure storage for bicycles can be provided in accordance with guidance set out in the East Boldon Design Code Annex on Parking.

          Other traffic generating non-residential developments must provide appropriate cycle parking in accordance with the East Boldon Design Code and agreed in consultation with the highway authority.

          Read More »EB20: Cycle storage and parking