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EB19: Metro parking

    The development of additional car parking for users of the metro will be supported where it would not have significant adverse effects on the environment, residential amenity or highway safety.

    Key considerations will be the ability of the new parking proposal to:
    a. alleviate the significant negative impact of existing metro parking on the area and local communities; and
    b. deliver the level of parking required to meet both current and forecast demand from users of East Boldon metro station

    Development proposals for the creation of improved cycle parking provision at East Boldon Metro Station will be supported.

    Early engagement identified significant community concerns regarding the impact of metro parking, particularly its impact on the character of the village, residential amenity and highway safety. The local community are also concerned that the level of new housing development proposed within the emerging local plan will make the issue even worse. The car park at East Boldon Metro Station is constantly at capacity and users of the metro park in the streets near the station impacting on businesses on Station Terrace, Langholm Road and Cleadon Lane and residents in Station Road, Struan Terrace, Langholm Road, St John’s Terrace and St Bedes in particular.

    As part of the preparation of the plan, the forum considered a number of policy approaches to look to address the issue of metro parking, including the extension of existing parking, allocation of a site for new parking and the creation of park and ride schemes. Policy EB21 provides a flexible and positive policy approach which supports the principle of the creation of additional metro parking in order to improve the environment of the plan area and residential amenity. The level of parking proposed should be informed by an understanding of current and future demand. It is also essential that any new parking proposals do not have significant adverse effects on the environment, residential amenity or highway safety.

    Policy EB21 will support the delivery of plan objectives 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8.