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EB12: The delivery of new housing

    The delivery of new market and affordable housing will be supported where it is located within the settlement boundary on sites that are not allocated for other uses and where it complies with the relevant policies within the development plan. In addition, as a minimum, new dwellings must be built in accordance with the Nationally Described Space Standards or equivalent successor standards.

    Where appropriate and relevant to the site, a masterplan should be prepared as part of the development proposals and should include details of:
    a. The phasing of the proposed development;
    b. Housing mix and how this meets identified local needs as identified by an up to date housing needs assessment;
    c. How the development makes the best and most efficient use of land and buildings;
    d. The density of the development, illustrating how this reflects surrounding development;
    e. Design considerations, to ensure the development demonstrates high quality design, reflecting the character of its immediate surroundings and reflecting the principles set out within the East Boldon Design Code;
    f. Compliance with the National Design Guide, National Design Code and Building for a Healthy Life, or successor documents;
    g. The provision of adequate vehicle and cycle parking provision taking account of the guidance set out in the Annex to the East Boldon Design Code;
    h. Highways access to the site and the impact of the proposals on the highway network;
    i. Pedestrian linkages through the site, including how opportunities for sustainable travel will be embedded within the development;
    j. A landscape framework for the site, addressing matters such as green infrastructure, open spaces and relationship with the Green Belt beyond the site;
    k. How flooding and drainage considerations have informed the overall site design, key considerations should include the provision of flood resilience measures, reduction of flood risk where possible and ensuring no increase to flood risk elsewhere;
    l. Opportunities to enhance biodiversity; and
    m. Any mitigation measures required as a result of the development

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    EB13: Housing mix

      The mix of housing types and tenure on new housing proposals should have regard to and be informed by evidence of housing needs, including the current East Boldon Housing Needs Assessment (2019) and South Tyneside Strategic Housing Market Assessment (2015) and any subsequent updates. The only exception will be where the proposal is designed to meet a specific and identified housing need, which requires a particular type, format or tenure of housing.

      Read More »EB13: Housing mix

      The Grange

      EB14: Affordable housing

        All new development of ten or more open market residential dwellings or on sites of 0.5 hectares or more, will be required to contribute to the provision of affordable housing in accordance with South Tyneside Council’s SPD on Affordable Housing, latest Housing Needs Survey and the latest viability work undertaken for the Council to determine the level of affordable housing that is deliverable.

        The level, type and mix of affordable housing to be delivered on each site will have regard to up to date evidence of affordable housing needs, including the current East Boldon Housing Needs Assessment (2019) and South Tyneside Strategic Housing Market Assessment (2015) and any subsequent updates. There will be a presumption that the affordable housing contribution will be through the provision of affordable homes on the application site. Off-site provision or a financial contribution will only be supported where this can be robustly justified and the following criteria can be met:
        a. Off-site provision must be on a site that is agreed as being in a suitable location relative to the housing need to be met. Such provision will be secured and controlled by a planning obligation to ensure that the affordable housing is delivered alongside the housing on the principal site; or
        b. Where a financial contribution to off-site provision of affordable housing is agreed as an alternative to direct provision on site, the sum will be calculated at a rate to be determined at the time of the application by the local planning authority in accordance with the Council’s SPD on Affordable Housing.

        Any development proposal which involves the provision of affordable housing at a level below that required under the terms of South Tyneside Council’s policy and guidance will need to be justified by an independent viability assessment of the scheme costs and end values. The assessment should be undertaken in accordance with the approach set out in national planning guidance.
        The affordable housing provided in pursuit of this policy for rent, discount market sales housing, or where public grant funding is provided towards other affordable routes to home ownership, will be made available to people in housing need at an affordable sale or rental cost for the life of the property.

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