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EB4: Heritage Assets

    Where a development may impact on a heritage asset, applicants should provide information within a heritage statement, that describes the significance of any heritage assets affected by the proposed development, including any contribution made by their setting. The assessment of significance should be informed by relevant information including the East Boldon Community Character Statement, East Boldon Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Plan and the East Boldon Design Code.

    Development within or affecting the setting of the East Boldon Conservation Area will be supported where it preserves or enhances the character or appearance of the conservation area and its setting. Development will be supported where it:
    a. Preserves or enhances the special character and distinctiveness of the conservation area; and
    b. Pays special attention to the quality of the historic architecture and village character of the area in its design, use of materials, detailing and finishes, boundary treatment nd use of hard and soft landscaping.

    The following are key considerations when assessing the impact of development on the character or appearance of the conservation area and its setting:
    c. The impact on significant views of and from the conservation area shown on Map 2 in Annex 3’;
    d. Reflecting the locally distinctive architectural characteristics, vernacular building forms and materials
    e. Respecting the prevailing density and grain of the area;
    f. Preserving or enhancing the street scene, ensuring new development reduces in scale from its historic core;
    g. Maintaining the spacious character of the area by protecting open space, including gardens and trees from unsympathetic development;
    h. Respecting the linear nature of the development, historic building lines and plot sizes, particularly on Front Street and Station Road;
    i. Traditional features, such as shop fronts, should be retained wherever possible; and
    j. Boundary treatments, including garden walls and retaining walls should reflect locally distinctive forms and materials.

    Heritage assets can either be designated or non-designated. Designated assets have statutory status within the plan area and include listed buildings and conservation areas. A non-designated asset is a building, monument, site, place, area or landscape having a degree of heritage significance meriting consideration in planning decisions, but which do not meet the criteria for designated heritage assets.

    The glossary of the NPPF defines a heritage asset as:
    ‘A building, monument, site, place, area or landscape identified as having a degree of significance meriting consideration in planning decisions, because of its heritage interest. It includes designated heritage assets and assets identified by the local planning authority (including local listing).’

    The NPPF states that heritage assets are an irreplaceable resource and requires them to be conserved in a manner appropriate to their significance. Also, that planning decisions affecting a heritage asset are required to be based on a sound understanding of the significance of the asset and the impact of the proposal on that significance.
    The historic assets of East Boldon are a vital part of its character. The plan area includes the East Boldon Conservation Area, as well as nine grade II listed buildings:

    • 100 Front Street (north side);
    • 94 Front Street (north side) (formerly listed as No.94 Sunnyside);
    • 70 Front Street (north side) (Boldon House) and wall to south of Nos.70 and 64;
    • 64 Front Street (north side);
    • Walls and gate piers at southwest of garden of No.70 (Boldon House), Front Street (north side);
    • 57 Front Street (south side) (Boldon Lodge);
    • 36 Front Street (north side).
    • Boldon war Memorial; and
    • South Lodge

    In addition, within the plan area, there are 21 locally significant heritage assets which have been identified by South Tyneside Council in their ‘Local List’, which are as follows(16 of these listings fall within the conservation area):

    • 2-12 (evens) Lorne Terrace,
    • Lorne House (No.14), Front Street, East Boldon;
    • 30-34 (evens) Front Street, East Boldon;
    • Mansion House Farm, 62 Front Street, East Boldon;
    • 86-92 (evens) and 96 Front Street, East Boldon;
    • Shadwell Towers, Western Terrace, Front Street, East Boldon;
    • Grey Horse Public House, Front Street, East Boldon;
    • Black Bull Public House, 98 Front Street, East Boldon;
    • Boundary Wall, West of 57a Front Street, East Boldon;
    • Boldon Golf Club, Dipe Lane, East Boldon;
    • Field Depressions, Mundles Farm, Mundles Lane, East Boldon;
    • Mixed Board School, Front Street, East Boldon;
    • Boldon United Reform Church, Front Street, East Boldon;
    • 23 North Road, East Boldon;
    • War Memorial, Front Street, East Boldon;
    • 49 Front Street, East Boldon;
    • Anti-Aircraft Supply Depot (former MOD bunkers and medical stores), East Boldon;
    • Field Depressions, Boldon Flats, East Boldon;
    • St. George‟s Church, Front Street, East Boldon;
    • Grange Terrace, East Boldon;
    • 21 North Road, East Boldon;
    • 1 Gordon Drive, East Boldon

    A further nine non-designated heritage assets have been identified by the East Boldon Forum during the preparation of the plan and are listed in below. These are in addition to the assets identified in the South Tyneside Local List and they will be suggested to the Council when this is updated (Community Action 3).

    East Boldon Conservation Area is included in Historic England’s Heritage at Risk Register (2019). A community action is proposed within the plan which will ensure the forum works with both Historic England and STC to consider how the impact of this can be mitigated.
    The East Boldon Conservation Area Character Appraisal (2006) provides an overview of the historical development of the area, spatial and character analysis as well as information on loss, intrusion and damage to the conservation area. The character appraisal describes the origins of the development pattern of the area, explaining the important early linkages with West Boldon. The appraisal highlights the important form and materials of the area and describes that the layout of the area is strongly focused on the street frontage with open gardens/ estates behind. It also describes the character of different parts of the conservation area, explaining their special characteristics, what is considered to be ‘against the grain’, key issues and opportunities for enhancement.

    The East Boldon Conservation Area Management Plan (2009) seeks to provide guidance for new development. It identifies that historic buildings within the conservation area are increasingly under threat for a number of reasons, including lack of maintenance, insensitive alterations and continued pressure from development. The management plan highlights the need to:

    • Retain agricultural land, gardens, parks, recreational areas and other areas of open space;
    • Respect the scale, harmony and design of buildings and the wider streetscape;
    • Retain trees;
    • Preserve and enhance sites of archaeological interest;
    • Resist proposals for the demolition of unlisted buildings;
    • Retain historic magnesian limestone walling;
    • Retain shopfronts that contribute to the character of the building or area; and
    • Ensure new shop fronts and signage respect the character and appearance of the host building and surrounding area.

    South Tyneside Council has a list of locally significant heritage assets, which identifies 21 heritage assets that lie within the plan area. The East Boldon Community Character Statement provides an up to date list of the heritage assets within the plan area.
    The East Boldon Community Character Statement, prepared by the forum, has been informed by the council documents referred to above, but also by a wealth of local knowledge. It is supplemented and reinforced by an architectural survey of the properties on Front Street (north side) and Grange Terrace and Front Street (south side), which form the historic core of the conservation area. The community character statement provides an update to the list of local heritage assets and includes details of tree preservation orders and article 4 directions that apply across the plan area. It is accompanied by two companion architectural survey documents, which provide a summary of the history, development, character and identity of East Boldon village, with particular emphasis on the old village core and the conservation area. They highlight why residents and people who work in the village, value its atmosphere, distinctiveness and community spirit.

    The information contained within these documents provide valuable insight to the heritage assets within the plan area and should be used to inform the understanding of the significance of an asset, the significance of which could be affected as a result of unsympathetic development. The documents highlight the locally distinctive vernacular of building forms and materials within the conservation area, which comprise:

    • magnesian limestone, facing brick or decorative render walls;
    • feature roof tiles, including clay and pantile, or natural slate;
    • steeply pitched roof forms of a domestic scale, with a variety of eave heights and chimney stacks and the use of feature gables. Additional features such as finials, decorative ridge and hip tiles, pitched roof dormers and barge boards also create lively roofscapes;
    • Complementary windows and doors, including bay windows and sliding sash effect windows; and
    • Locally distinctive high quality architectural detailing to public facades and fenestration.

    In addition, the documents define the importance of locally distinctive forms and materials for boundary treatments, garden walls and retaining walls:
    Predominantly low, magnesian limestone or facing brick walls with coping stones as necessary;
    Steel, cast or wrought iron railings and handrails;
    Hedges, such as beech or other native species;
    Timber, of traditional design and construction.

    The built and historic environment background paper provides a summary of the evidence documents which support the proposed policy approach. It identifies a number of additional heritage assets, which the forum considers to be worthy of local listing by South Tyneside Council:

    • 44-60 Front Street;
    • Garage Block, Front Street (between Toad Hall and 35 Front Street);
    • Church Hall (original) Boldon United Reformed Church, Front Street;
    • 85-91 Front Street;
    • 1-4a St Bede’s;
    • 1-7 The Terrace;
    • 1-19 North Lane;
    • Historic passageways leading from Front Street; and
    • 2-13 Bridle Path

    Early engagement on the plan identified strong support for the protection and enhancement of heritage assets across the plan area. Policy EB4 therefore seeks to ensure that appropriate weight is given to the impact of a development proposal on the significance of a heritage asset supporting the delivery of plan objective 2.

    ‘The Validation of Planning Applications 2019’, agreed by the Tyneside local authorities, specifies the types of applications that require a heritage statement to be submitted as part of the planning process.