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Ward Boundary Review

    The Local Government Boundary Commission for England are currently carrying out a review across South Tyneside which will determine the number of councillors, wards and ward names for South Tyneside Council.

    They have opened a consultation on their latest proposals which will run until 11 December 2023. Their recommendation will then be published in March 2024 and if approved, the new arrangements will apply to local elections from 2026.

    The review does impact the existing Cleadon and East Boldon ward in that:

    • the existing ward will be split with part of Cleadon joining with Cleadon Park to form a new ward called “Cleadon Park and Cleadon Village”.
    • A new “The Boldons” ward will be made up of the remaining part of the existing Cleadon and East Boldon ward but will add those parts of Lilburn Close and Langdale Way (which are already parts of the Fourm area) which are currently in the Boldon Colliery ward. Coniston Grange also moves from Boldon Colliery into “The Boldons” although the library and the fields off Boker Lane remain in the Boldon Colliery ward.

    You can view and comment on the proposals on the Boundary Commissions website (opens in a new window) or:

    • Email
    • Write to LGBCE, PO BOX 133, Blyth, NE24 9FE


    If you live or work in the East Boldon Forum area then you are welcome to join the Forum. Please get in touch with us.

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