What makes our area special?
Nominate your favourite buildings and sites for our ‘Local List’. Closing date: June 15th 2022.
Communities across Gateshead, Newcastle and South Tyneside are invited to nominate locally important sites for a new Local Heritage List. The three councils are working together to update their Local Lists of buildings, structures and places that are recognised as being important heritage assets, even if they don’t meet the criteria for national listing by Historic England. Assets included in a Local List are given special consideration in the planning process.
Claire Embrée-Lalonde, project manager for updating the Local Heritage Lists, said: “The lists have not been updated for over a decade, so it’s important to ensure we have a proper understanding of all the valuable assets we have, and to celebrate their significance for the local area. We are asking local communities to nominate what they would like to see recognised as a local heritage asset, what they feel should be preserved and protected for the future. That could be anything from a garden, landmark or landscape to even street furniture such as a post box, statue or lamppost.”
Louise Sloan, South Tyneside Council’s Senior Development Services Manager, said: “South Tyneside has such a unique and rich history and heritage. No-one knows the value of local heritage better than the people in our towns and villages.”
A new interactive website at https://app.placechangers.co.uk/s/250 helps residents to check the current Local List and find out how they can nominate online. South Tyneside residents can attend an event on Tuesday 17th May, 12pm-4pm at Hebburn Central, Glen Street, Hebburn to find out more. Nominations can also be made direct to Gateshead Council as the lead authority by emailing Project Manager ClaireEmbreeLalonde@Gateshead.Gov.UK
The closing date for nominations is Wednesday 15th June. The nominations will then be assessed and considered by an independent panel of experts, before being taken forward for adoption on the Local List later in the year. Successful local list nominations will also be included on the Tyne and Wear Historic Environment Record at www.twsitelines.info The Local List for each area will be used a reference document to be consulted alongside each authority’s Local Plan.
If you live or work in the East Boldon Forum area then you are welcome to join the Forum. Please get in touch with us.
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